Column Splices
Multi-Storey structures generally require that the columns be ‘spliced’ in order to extend their length for the full height of the structure. Splices may be either bolted or welded. Its always assumed that welded splices are ‘Shop-Welded’ while bolted splices are ‘Site-Bolted’. Whichever option is used, they should be designed so that the column is effectively continuous and therefore should be able to transmit the full bearing load throughout its total length.
Beam Splices
Sometimes it’s necessary to join together two beams in order to extend its length, this may be necessary when the required beam length exceeds that which is commercially available, or for reasons of transportation and/or erection issues
Beam splices typically resist large bending moments and shear forces and it's assumed that the flange splice carries the moment forces while the web splice carries the shear.
Like Column Splices, they may be either bolted or welded - welded splices being a 'Shop' splice, while a bolted splice is made on-site during erection.
Whichever option is used, it should be located away from the point of maximum deflection.