These connections are not generally regarded as Moment Resisting, but due to their configuration they will offer some resistance against rotation. The determining factor lies with the Rotation Capacity of the joint components.

(For more about the rotation capacity go to Moment Connections)

Typical Examples

The first 4 examples show typical beam to column connections using Through-Bolts. Through-bolts are by far the easiest to fabricate and erect - their main disadvantage being that they are always visible and the fact that the connection components will extend beyond the outside faces of the hollow sections may impede flooring and/or the fixing of concrete decking.

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Fig, 3 shows a beam to column connection using all angle cleats. The fact that the cleats are attached to the side faces of the column would indicate the connection will offer significant moment resistance, if this is not desirable, the the connection components should be thin enough to offer some flexibility without affecting the shear resistance.
Fig. 4 shows a typical Tee stub of the same section profile as that of the incoming beam. The connection components may be either end plates (As shown) providing a closed end, or angle cleats providing an open end.

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Beam to Column Connections using Blind Fixings

Blind fixings allow for a more compact and neater connection. They do require a high level of fabrication accuracy and are slightly more difficult to erect, but the visual aesthetics are often worth the extra work.

Fig. 5 shows a typical end-plate connection fastened directly to the column, while Fig. 6 shows a similar connection using angle cleats which nay be either bolted of welded to the incoming beam end.

As usual, end-plates will provide an open end - while end plates will close the end off.

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