In this section we'll look applying the principles of Best practice to the real world by creating a Model of a simple 4-storey high-rise building. From that model we'll automatically generate 2D General Arrangement Drawings, Assemblies and Workshop Details and Bills of Material.

You can work through these steps in your own time by downloading Parabuild and taking advantage of their 30 Day Free Trial Offer

We'll follow on by automatically creating CNC NC files for automated fabrication in DXF and Dstv formats together with STEP files used to share 3D models between users with different CAD systems.

Finally, we'll show you how to Import and Export IFC files for use with BIM (Building Information Modelling)

These subjects will be presented in a step-by-step sequence covering only the basic commands and functions necessary to produce the model, detail drawings and CNC NC files that would typically represent the final structure. Each step in linked to a more detailed explanation from the Parabuild online manual.

It's impossible to cover all of Parabuild's commands and functions in this section - there are simply too many, so we strongly recommend going through Parabuild's comprehensive Online Manual

Why Parabuild?

Structural steel detailing usually involves models with many parts, which requires producing a lot of drawings and documents so the faster the better. For modelling structural steel, it is important to be able to create a wide variety of structure types quickly and accurately, and when revisions are required the model should be easily adaptable.

Parabuild is designed for ease of use, flexibility and efficiency which greatly helps you meet these challenges. Short training times help you be productive sooner, and flexibility and adaptability ensures you can finish more projects quicker without sacrificing accuracy.

This enables you to focus your talents on the construction projects themselves, not on the software.

These are some of the unique characteristics of Parabuild:

Short Learning Curve

Due to visual input, high degree of automation, instant feedback and intuitive design Parabuild needs only a short training period so the steel detailer can become productive quickly. Our experience is that 2 full days of training is sufficient for learning Parabuild if you are familiar with AutoCAD or BricsCAD. Those experienced with 3D CAD software can often learn Parabuild on their own without assisted training.


Modelling structures should be straightforward and fast, so we have put a lot of effort into making the interface and dialog boxes self-explanatory. Dialogs and commands are highly visual which helps you find your way quicker

Instant Visual Feedback

Whenever possible the 3D model will be instantly updated to reflect any change made by the detailer. No more guesswork – changes are immediately visible in the drawing helping you avoid mistakes and become more efficient.

Responsive 3D Model

The grid, frame, connections, parts and bolts are all linked up and adapt when needed. When the grid is changed, the frame will adapt and when the frame changes the connections will adapt. This results not only in productivity gains during revisions, but presents opportunities for re-using some regularly drawn building components.

Customizing Without Programming

The standard connections and macros in Parabuild are all fully defined using geometric constraints in template drawings. This means it is possible to modify existing connections or add any new custom connection without hiring a programmer or writing any code.

Powerful Connection and Macro System

To maximize modelling efficiency connections are constrained inside template drawings, so they can be re-used in the 3D building model just by clicking the members to be connected. Standard connection templates are provided, but any drafter can make their own. Every template is created using tools that are available to all detailers without requiring the programming of a single line of code. Macros work the same way and can involve multiple connections, arrays and members. Examples of provided standard macros are bracing, trusses, purlins, cage ladders, etc.

Fast and Easy 3D Modelling

Designed specifically for the construction industry, the Context Modeller helps rapidly and accurately drawing frame elements that are automatically constrained to the grid and to each other. It can also draw sub-parts that will be automatically constrained to members or to other parts. The result is new geometry that was automatically linked with base geometries using geometric constraints, so you end up with a linked model that is responsive to changes in the design. The big advantage is that you can model directly in 3D without cumbersome intermediate steps, and still end up with a completely linked model.

Completely Integrated in AutoCAD & BricsCAD

Most drafters are already familiar with AutoCAD, and BricsCAD works the same way, which reduces training investment. Parabuild’s structural objects can be modified through the standard commands or using the Object Property Manager, all Parabuild objects are integrated as if they are native AutoCAD/BricsCAD objects.

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