A leaned frame is fairly self-descriptive; it is employed mostly in single-storey or low-rise / multi-bay structures where one of the bays is designed as a rigid frame, while the others, as Pin-Jointed frames lean against it. The Rigid Bay, though illustrated over as a moment resisting rigid frame, may be any of the other vertical stabilizing options – including a braced-frame, or a shear-wall
For single-story or low-rise structures, this type of construction can be very effective and economic provided the rigid frame element can be kept to a minimum. In High-Rise Structures, the rigid frame is often replaced by a concrete core.

Another option would be to construct the bay from concrete and ‘lean’ the steel structure against it. The steel connects to the concrete by beams of wall-plates cast into the concrete, which are then either site-welded or bolted.
The rigid bay may be placed at one end of the structure (as illustrated) or at the the center of the building, or even two bays at each end.