As with General Arrangement Drawings, Parabuild generates workshop detail and assembly drawings directly from the 3D model Complete with dimensions and tags.
All generated detail drawings are stored in the DWG format, the most common and widely used format for 2D drawings. You can choose to keep the shop drawings in the same drawing as the 3D model, or as separate drawings.
Parts and Assemblies
The workshop detail drawings we refer to are Part details - a part is a single individual item such as a plate or member - when a number of parts are welded or shop-bolted together it becomes an Assembly. For example, a beam with two end-plates welded at each end is an Assembly, the individual components of the beam (The member and the plates) are Parts.
Parabuild will automatically recognize identical parts and assemblies so they will not be redrawn over again - instead, the quantities will be reflected in the Bills of Material.
Generating Detail and Assembly Drawings using Parabuild
Once the Settings have been addressed the Detail and Assembly drawings are automatically produced at the click of a button from the 2D Sheets Manager.
Click on the Generate button and select - Generate Pos+Assembly Sheets.
You will then have the option to lock the revision using the Revision Manager or to continue without locking.
You can then choose the objects to be generated by selecting either or all of Plates, Members or Assemblies.
You also have the option to filter specific items from among the various structural types – this is useful if specific items are to be delegated to a specialist supplier. Additionally, you can filter a specific Selection, Phase, or Revision
The phase or revision choice you make here will be permanently stored with the 2D sheet.
The number of parts that will be shown on the sheet is only the number of parts counted in the phase/revision selection.
If you've changed the 3D drawing which would cause the number of parts on the sheet to change, then you can start the function Refresh views on the sheet(s) to update the bill on the sheet(s).
The refresh view function is done automatically on all sheets when you print or export the 2D sheets.
After pressing OK the Detail and Assembly Drawings will be generated automatically. The lists of generated drawings will appear in the Sheets Manager window.
When you Right Click on one of the generated drawings, you can perform a number of additional functions.
If you Right Click on a Part Number, you can also perform a number of actions on that Part

Typical Part Detail

Typical Assembly
In the above examples, the Default Dimension Settings have been set to show both Ordinate and Chain dimensions (For illustration purposes)