Best Practice – in a Nutshell

Best Practice could be defined as saying “This is the way it should be done” it’s not taught at university or technical college, it’s poorly documented, it’s not officially sanctioned, and yet, it’s recognized by all those in the steel construction industry. These principles go back to time when structural detailers were recruited into apprenticeship […]

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Standardization is the key to successful, efficient and economic detailing, the benefits of which are incalculable. It will reduce errors in the workshop and on site during erection and speed up the entire process from concept to commissioning. There are two main steps to standardization, the first may be outside of the realm of the

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Standards Institutes

At the turn of the 20th century national standards institutes were formed to standardize and regulate the dimensions and properties of ‘standard’ steel sections. Though they operated independently within their own jurisdictions, there was cooperation among the bodies to ensure that the characteristics and properties of the various steel sections were consistent, enabling the various

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