Theses heavy-duty bracings are generally designed to work in compression only, with the tensile stress being considered insignificant and largely ignored. Such bracing is often used in structures which are subject to high lateral loads, particularly in areas which are subject to seismic activity. The joint between the flanges must be true and square in order to make full contact so that the compressive load may be effectively transmitted.
These connections require a high level of accuracy in fabrication and are often trial assembled in the workshop prior to delivery to site. Packer plates may be fitted between the flanges provided full contact can be maintained.
Compression struts may be used with eccentric or concentric (as illustrated) bracing patterns (See Vertical Bracing - Setting Out)
The bracing members are set out to a common Work Point located at the intersection of the centre lines of the beams, columns and bracing members. Other options for locating the Work Points can be found at Vertical Bracing - Setting Out