Sections and profiles include Standard Hot-Rolled and Fabricated sections.
Hot-Rolled Sections
- General Description
- Compare standards between the United Kingdom, Europe and North America.
- General Notations - How steel profiles should be referenced
- The differences between Actual Size and Serial Size
Fabricated Profiles
- Bolted Plate Girders
- Welded Plate Girders
- Strengthening a Plate Girder
- Intermediate Flange Stiffeners
- Web Stiffeners
- Intermediate Transverse Web Stiffeners
- Longitudinal Web Stiffeners
- Bearing Stiffeners
- Fitted v Welded Stiffeners
- Materials
- Box Girder Construction
- Open-Cell Bridge Box Girders
- Closed-Cell Bridge Box Girders
- Stiffening a Box Girder
- Box Girder Bearing
- How a beam is designated
- Strengthening the flange to improve bending capacity
- Strengthening the web to improve shear capacity
- Restraining a Column
- Columns in Single and Multi-Story Buildings
- Column Profiles
- Tension Stiffeners
- Shear and Compression Stiffeners
- Base Plates in Compression
- Base Plates in Shear
- Rotational Moments
- Base Plate Stiffening
- Plate Thickness and Bolt patterns
- Bearing and Non-Bearing Joints
- Bolted Splices
- In-Line Cap and End Plates
- Offset Cap and End Plates
- Flange and Web plates
- Splicing Columns of Different Sections or Serial Sizes
- Welded Splices
- Portal Frame Columns
- Stepped Portal Column
- Twin Columns
Crane Girders
- Typical Crane Girder Sections
- Supporting a Crane Girders
- Stiffening a Crane Girder
- Top Flange Stiffening - Hot Rolled Sections
- Top Flange Stiffening - Plate Girders
- Transverse Web Stiffeners
- Bearing Stiffeners
- Light Duty Applications
- Medium / Heavy Duty Applications
- Heavy / Extra Heavy Applications
- Surge Plates
- Horizontal Lattice Girders
- Details to Avoid!
- Fixed rails
- Floating Rails
- Rail Splices
- Crane Rail Stops
- Explanation of Crane Classifications.
- Comparisons between CMAA, FEM, and ISO